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Teaching & Advising
TU München
Technische Universität München, DE
The Probabilistic Method
Graduate Seminar (Sommersemester 2021)
Die Mathematik hinter Spielen und Puzzeln
Bachelor Workshops (Sommersemester 2021+ 2022)
George Mason University
George Mason University, Fairfax, US
Random 3D Polyforms
Mason Experimental Geometry Lab (Spring 2022)
University at Albany
University at Albany, State University New York, US
The Probabilistic Method
Graduate Seminar (Spring 2021)
Anker Teach 1 - Teaching
Ohio State University
The Ohio State University, Columbus, US
Recreational Mathematics
Graduate and Undergraduate Course (4194) (Fall 2019)
Math for Architects
Undergraduate Course (1118) (Fall 2018, Fall 2019)
Universidad Juárez
Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango, Mx
Statistical Inference
Graduate Course (Spring 2014)
Graduate Course (Spring 2014)
Logic gates workshop at OSU
Students of Fund. of Higher Math (3345) (Jan 2018)
Center for Research in Mathematics, Mx
Linear Algebra I
as Teaching Assistant (Spring 2010)
Calculus Problem Solving Workshop
as Teaching Assistant (July 2009, 2012, 2013, 2014)
Foundation Course MS Probability and Statistics
as Teaching Assistant (Spring 2008, June 2012, Apr 2013)
Analysis I
as Teaching Assistant (Autumn 2009)
Second Probability Problem Solving Workshop
as Teaching Assistant (July 2008)
First Probability Problem Solving Workshop
as Teaching Assistant (Jan 2008)
Graduate Advising
July 2021
Anna Krymova, M.Sc. Mathematics in Data Science
Thesis Title: Topology of the Plaquette Eden Model
Technische Universität München, DE
Anna Krymova is now working as data engineer for Tekaris GmbH.
January 2017
Ana L. Trujillo N., M.Sc. in Mathematics
Thesis Title: On some parameters of Token Graphs
Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, Mx
Ana Trujillo is currently studying a Ph.D. program in mathematics at the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute, México.
Anker Teach 2 - Advising
Undergraduate Advising
In progress
Christoph Müßig, B.S. Mathematics
Thesis Title: Developing a Game based on the Art Gallery Problem with Rook and Queen Vision
Technische Universität München, DE
In progress
Iancarlo Espinosa, B.S. Mathematics
Thesis Title: Topological properties of geometric stochastic processes and dynamical systems
Center for Research in Mathematics (CIMAT), Guanajuato, Mx
In progress
Froylan Hernandez A., B.S. Philosophy
Thesis Title: Paradox, ambiguity and contradiction in logic systems
Universidad de Zacatecas, Mx
March 2017
Sergio Valles Q., B.S. Applied Mathematics
Thesis Title: Tessellations generated by interference patterns of mechanical and electromagnetic waves
Universidad Juarez del Estádo de Durango, Mx
A related work was published.
June 2016
Sergio Fernández O., B.S. Applied Mathematics
Thesis Title: Analyzing the instant insanity puzzle with graph theory and number theory
Universidad Juarez del Estádo de Durango, Mx
July 2015
Ana L. Trujillo N., B.S. Applied Mathematics
Thesis Title: A structural property of planar drawings of graphs that achieve the minimum crossing number
Universidad Juarez del Estádo de Durango, Mx
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